
class fluxcompensator.psf.GaussianPSF(diameter)

Convolves 2D val array with Gaussian PSF.


diameter : float

Diameter of the telescope in cm.


convolve(wav, array, resolution) Actually convolves 2D val array with Gaussian PSF with sigma_psf = 0.44 * wav * 10.**(-4) / diameter / resolution['rad'].

Methods (detail)

convolve(wav, array, resolution)

Actually convolves 2D val array with Gaussian PSF with sigma_psf = 0.44 * wav * 10.**(-4) / diameter / resolution['rad'].


wav : float

Current val of wavelength which is passed by SyntheticCube or SyntheticImage.

array : numpy.ndarray

Flux array of SyntheticCube or SyntheticImage.

resolution : dict={‘rad’, ‘arcsec’}

Resolution of val slice passed by the SyntheticCube or SyntheticImage. Here ‘rad’ needs to be defined.


val : numpy.ndarray

2D val arrays convolved with PSF.