
class fluxcompensator.interface.Interface2FITS(obs, model, compact_pipeline, exposure, A_v=0)

Reads information from real observation and radiative transfer model and creates a synthetic observation of the model with the specifications of the observations.


obs : str

Stores the observation of a certain telescope (e.g ‘SF-region_IRAC4.fits’) The file needs to be in fits format and WCS.

model : ModelOutput.get_image

Radiative transfer model from HYPERION.

compact_pipeline : CompactPipeline object

Stores filter and PSF information.

exposure : float

Exposure time of telescope.

A_v : float

Optical extinction coefficient. Default is A_v=0, which disables the extinction. Hence intrinsic flux is observed.


image : SyntheticImage


save2fits(name) Saves synthetic observation of radiative transfer model in a fits file.
add2observation(name[, position_pix, ...]) Blends the modeled realistic observation to the real observation.

Methods (detail)


Saves synthetic observation of radiative transfer model in a fits file. Updated information is stored in a header of WCS format.


name : str

Name of the output fits file.


name.fits : Synthetic observation from radiative transfer model

add2observation(name, position_pix=None, position_world=None, zero_edges=None)

Blends the modeled realistic observation to the real observation.


name : str

Name of the output fits file.

position_pix : list, None

Center position of the model in observation pixel coordinates. Default is None.

position_world : list, None

Center position of the model in observation world coordinates. Default is None.

zero_edges : True, None

If True, edges of model are normalized to zero. Default is None.


name.fits : Combination of synthetic observation from radiative transfer model and real observation