
class fluxcompensator.psf.FilePSF(psf_file, oversampled=None)

Convolves val with PSF from input file.


psf_file : str

Location of the file e. g. psf_file.fits. WARNING: If file from a detector/pipeline (e.g. IRAC4_PSF) is called, than the all slices of the cube, even outside the corresponding filter limits are convolved with that PSF or different filter could have been used before.

oversampled : int

Times of oversampeling in PSF. Default is None.


convolve(array[, resolution, wav]) Actually convolves 2D val array with PSF from input file.

Methods (detail)

convolve(array, resolution=None, wav=None)

Actually convolves 2D val array with PSF from input file.


array : numpy.ndarray

Flux array of SyntheticCube or SyntheticImage.

resolution : None

Just here to keep convolve_PSF in FluxCompensator working.

wav : None

Just here to keep convolve_PSF in FluxCompensator working.


val : numpy.ndarray

2D val arrays convolved with PSF.