PSF File

The most realistic way of creating a realistic synthetic observation is to convolve with a telescope specific PSF file provided by an observatory or self-constructed a PSF from real observations.


If you use PSF files, you should first adjust the resolution of the image to the resolution of the mimiced detector. You can do this with change_resolution.

Read Own File

If you have an actual PSF file my_psf.fits, with the PSF from your telescope you want to “observe” your synthetic image with, you can read this file in the following way and construct a psf_object:

from fluxcompensator.psf import FilePSF

# create PSF from my own file
psf_object = FilePSF(psf_file='my_psf.fits', oversampled=4)

If there is no oversampeling in you file, just put oversampled=1.

Use the FluxCompensator’s Built-in Database

It might be, that you do not have an actual PSF file at hand. In this case you could convolve with a PSF provided by the FluxCompensator Database. Here we have the publicly available PSF files of the telescopes, which are commonly used. For a reference list see the Appendix of Koepferl & Robitaille (subm. to ApJ). This Database is far from being complete. If you have additional available files, please let me know.

Currently PSFs from IRAC, MIPS, PACS and SPIRE are available here (e.g. MIPS for different temperatures). To construct the psf_object (e.g. of PACS1) add to your script:

import fluxcompensator.database.missions as PSFs

# call object from the psf database
psf_object = getattr(PSFs, 'PACS1_PSF')

The PSF objects in the Database (e.g. PACS1_PSF) can be called by using getattr and the str of the psf_object.

Possible names of the attributes are:

    PSF        oversampled

IRAC1_PSF            4
IRAC2_PSF            4
IRAC3_PSF            4
IRAC4_PSF            4

MIPS1_PSF_10K        5
MIPS1_PSF_25K        5
MIPS1_PSF_50K        5
MIPS1_PSF_75K        5
MIPS1_PSF_100K       5
MIPS1_PSF_3000K      5

MIPS2_PSF_10K        5
MIPS2_PSF_25K        5
MIPS2_PSF_50K        5
MIPS2_PSF_75K        5
MIPS2_PSF_100K       5
MIPS2_PSF_3000K      5

MIPS3_PSF_10K        5
MIPS3_PSF_25K        5
MIPS3_PSF_50K        5
MIPS3_PSF_75K        5
MIPS3_PSF_100K       5
MIPS3_PSF_3000K      5

PACS1_PSF           10
PACS2_PSF           10
PACS3_PSF           10

SPIRE1_PSF          10
SPIRE2_PSF          10
SPIRE3_PSF          10

For further information see: