Gaussian PSFΒΆ

It might be, that you do not have an actual PSF file of the PSF you want to “observe” your synthetic image with. In this case you could convolve with a Gaussian-shaped PSF. To first order an Airy disc can be approximated with a Gaussian profile.

The psf_object is constructed in the following way:

from fluxcompensator.psf import GaussianPSF

# create Gaussian PSF
psf_object = GaussianPSF(diameter=350.)

The diameter of the telescope is passed in cm. The standard deviation of the Gaussian sigma in units of pixel is calculate internally:

sigma_psf = 0.44 * wav * 10.**(-4) / diameter / resolution['rad']

where wav and resolution['rad'] are passed from the object SyntheticCube or SyntheticImage.

For further information see: